The Next Big Thing Blog Hop 2.0
What is a blog hop? Basically, it’s a way for readers to discover authors new to them. I hope you’ll find new-to-you authors whose works you enjoy. On this stop on the blog hop, you’ll find a bit of information on me and one of my books and links to another author you can explore!
While I’ve already had the pleasure of doing the “Next Big Thing” hop, I just couldn’t resist another go-around when one of my favorite indie authors, Khaalidah, invited me along. My gratitude to fellow author Khaalidah for the opportunity to participate in this event. You can click the following link to learn more about her work:
In this blog hop, I and my fellow authors, in their respective blogs, have answered ten questions about our book or work-in-progress (giving you a sneak peek). We’ve also included some behind-the-scenes information about how and why we write what we write: the characters, inspirations, plotting and other choices we make. I hope you enjoy it! I’ve adjusted most of the questions to make things a little fresh and different.
Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts and questions. Here is my Next Big Thing!
1: What is the title of your book and what other possible titles did you come up with before settling on the official title?
The title of my current work in progress is “Circadian Circle,” and it’s the final book of The Gray Tower Trilogy. As for other titles that didn’t make the cut–you’d probably laugh at me. I keep wanting to make this whole thing epic, so I’m like “Yeah…The Final Battle” or “End of Time,” 🙂 I think Circadian Circle fits perfectly because it’s the crux of my heroine’s power and just the concept of a circadian circle is an interesting one to explore. It’s based on how time controls our bodies (and bodily functions) based on our internal biological clocks, aka circadian rhythms.
2: What inspired you to write your book?
The first two 🙂 ha! I’ve got to tie up those loose ends and have a heck of an ending, right?
3. If you had to sum up the story in a few sentences, what would you say?
Circadian Circle is the engrossing, epic conclusion to the Gray Tower Trilogy. It brings you from the surprise ending of DARK RIFT into the dangerous streets of Budapest, war-torn Zagreb, and Trent (Italy) where Black Wolves roam. Not all of our friends survive on this journey, and there are some surprising alliances. Oh, yes, and let’s not forget the Isabella-Brande romance!
4: Are your villains bad, super-bad, or the spawn of the devil?
Some are bad, some are super-bad, and at least two of them are spawn of the devil. Why is it that I like writing villains so much?
5: How would you describe your hero or heroine?
At this point Isabella feels weighed down with responsibility, but she’s also hopeful and determined. You get to see her both vulnerable but also at her strongest. She doesn’t waver from what she believes is right.
6: What was the greatest compliment you received regarding your book?
I’ll have to wait for that one since it’s in editing and due in May. However, from the other two books of the Trilogy, THE TOWER’S ALCHEMIST and DARK RIFT, readers have told me that they truly enjoyed the world I let them step into, as well as how they played the entire books in their minds like a movie. So cool!
7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
A few months. I envy all those amazing writers who can produce much faster. I’ve been going at a slower pace than I would like, but I’m a mom of a 7 year-old, 5 year-old, 3 year old, and 19 month-old…need I say more? 🙂
8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Someone once told me the Gray Tower Trilogy was a mashup of Dresden Files meets WWII Fantasy meets kickass heroine. I like that!
Honestly, I think if you enjoy historical fantasy, urban fantasy, and appreciate a dash of noir, you’re going to love these books.
9: Are there any “writing rules” you’ve broken in your book (and do you have a good reason for doing so)?
Hmm, I don’t know. I try to follow them in general until I get the best handle on them–and THEN break them!
10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Circadian Circle will be a very satisfying conclusion for those of you who’ve read the first two books (in fact, The Tower’s Alchemist is FREE right now!).
Who’s next on the Next Big Thing Blog Hop?
Devorah Fox is not only a super-cool person and author of historical fantasy with romance, but she has a sense of humor and great insight that will keep you returning to her blog. Join her next Wednesday (4/17) for her Next Big Thing!
You are an excellent hop-along-er. Thanks for playing with me.
I didn’t realize you had four little ones! Hats off to you. I admire your verve! Keep in touch. Maybe we can play again another time.
Thanks, Khaalidah! You know how the modern mom has to be superwoman 😉