Will you be at WonderCon in Anaheim, April 3rd, oh…around noonish?
Then I’d love for you to stop by the “Spiritual Themes in Comics” panel where I’ll be one of the guest speakers. Yay!
So what about spiritual themes in comics? I, for one, think it’s a fascinating topic. I know I’ve explored the idea of faith, and the external hero vs. villain battle representing spiritual struggles in my Gray Tower Trilogy. I think it adds a wonderful, rich layer to a story or character. Someone’s spiritual drive can tell you what that character values, what his background is, and what he’s willing to live or die for.
I think that’s part of the reason I love fantasy and paranormal stories.
And goodness, how would I even begin to describe the Hellblazer comics with John Constantine? Wow, that in itself would make an interesting discussion! 🙂
Well, I’m eager to touch upon these ideas (and more) tomorrow at noon. I hope to see you there!
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If you only knew the book I was working on right now I started about 5 years or more ago. Well the idea has been around longer than that, but my first draft is dated back that far.
How you see things is how you believe things. Or is that the other way around?
Good question. It could work both ways 😉